

Create a Webhook

Before you can start listening to events, you will need to create a new webhook. Follow the steps below to create a webhook using the Git Logs bot.

Step 1: Ensure Permissions

Ensure the bot and yourself have the Use Application Commands permissions in the server.

Step 2: Run the /newhook Command

Run the /newhook command in your Discord server. newhook command

Step 3: Receive Webhook Information

Once the webhook is generated, the bot will send you a Direct Message that looks something like this: webhook message

Step 4: Note Down Webhook Details

This direct message will contain all the information you need to continue to the Using a Webhook section. The information you will need is:

  • Webhook URL (located at the top of the message)
  • Webhook Secret (Located in the second paragraph "Set the Secret field to")
  • Content Type (will always be application/json)
  • Webhook ID (Located in the third paragraph "When creating repositories use")

Additional Information

  • Permissions: Ensure that both you and the bot have the necessary permissions to create and manage webhooks.
  • Direct Messages: Make sure your DMs are open to receive the webhook information from the bot.
  • Troubleshooting: If you encounter any issues during the webhook creation process, please refer to our support server for assistance.

By following these steps, you will successfully create a webhook using the Git Logs bot, allowing you to start receiving GitHub notifications in your Discord server.

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